

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Re-auction no. 01 Notice of by e-tender and e-auction method issue of 5 sand / sand groups not issued in the e-auction process

For the year 2021-2022, out of the environmentally permitted sand / sand groups in Jalgaon district, for the issue of e-tender held on 04/03/2022 and for the issue of 5 sand / sand groups not issued in the e-auction process, re-auction no. Notice of 01 (by e-tender and e-auction method)

10/03/2022 27/03/2022 View (7 MB)
Regarding e-tender (tender) / e-auction (auction) for auction of mining leases on government land

Regarding e-tender (tender) / e-auction (auction) for auction of mining leases on government land in Jalgaon district

08/03/2022 22/03/2022 View (2 MB)
District Setu Society Jalgaon Annual Maintenance eTender

For Computer and Other related items Annual Maintenance eTender

24/02/2022 20/03/2022 View (4 MB)
District Setu Society jalgaon Computer maintenance etender Corrigendum

Computer maintenance etender Corrigendum

11/03/2022 17/03/2022 View (304 KB)
Notification of e-Tendering and e-Auction for issuance of sand / gravel

Notification of e-Tendering and e-Auction for issuance of environmentally sanctioned sand / gravel for the year 2021-2022 on 03/11/2021 in Jalgaon district.

16/02/2022 05/03/2022 View (5 MB)
Notification of e-Tendering and e-Auction for issuance of sand / gravel EC has not been obtained

E-Tendering and e-auction for the issue of sand / sand blocks in Jalgaon district for the year 2021-2022 as per the revised policy of sand extraction dated 28/01/2022 for which mining plan has been approved and public hearing has been held but environmental clearance has not been obtained. -Auction) notification

16/02/2022 05/03/2022 View (6 MB)
sand / sand groups reauction No. 2 (e-tender and e-auction)

For the year 2021-2022, out of the e-tender and e-auction held on 13/12/2021 and 31/12/2021 out of environmentally permitted sand / sand groups in Jalgaon district, re-auction No. 2 (e- Notice of tender and e-auction

05/01/2022 22/01/2022 View (8 MB)
Sand / Sand blocks re-auction notice 1

Out of the environmentally permitted sand / sand blocks , re-auction Notice number 01 (by e-tender and e-auction method) For the year 2021-2022 in Jalgaon district

14/12/2021 31/12/2021 View (6 MB)
e-Tender and e-Auction for issuance of sand

E-Tender and E-Auction for the issuance of environmentally permitted sand  for the year 2021-2022 in Jalgaon district on 03/11/2021

25/11/2021 15/12/2021 View (6 MB)
e-tender / e-auction for re-auction of mining leases

e-tender / e-auction  for re-auction of mining leases on government land in Jalgaon district

22/11/2021 07/12/2021 View (845 KB)